Answers to Exercise
  Practice on Lax "i"




In order to become familiarized with the phonetic symbols you are studying, transcribe these very common words pronounced with /ı/. The first four are given to you as examples.

in /ın/
him /hım/
miss /mıs/
quick /kwık/
is /ız/
sit /sıt/
list /lıst/
inch /ıntʃ/
if /ıf/
did /dıd/
fish /fıʃ/
still /stıl/
with /wıθ/
live /lıv/
since /sıns/
bring /brıŋ/
his /hız/
give /gıv/
ship /ʃıp/
fill /fıl/
this /ðıs/
think /θıŋk/
wind /wınd/
six /sıks/
which /hwıtʃ/
big /bıg/
sing /sıŋ/
wish /wıʃ/
if /ıf/
hill /hıl/
spring /sprıŋ/
milk /mılk/
will /wıl/
kill /kıl/
trip /trıp/
skin /skın/


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