Facts on File: Edgar Allan Poe

Workshop 6 - The Master of Horror



Your task is to create an author fact file about Edgar Allan Poe. List your facts in a bulleted list on a piece of paper. Include an illustration of Poe, or print out a picture of him and attach it.

Use the links on the left to answer the following questions:

1. Provide the following biographical information: birthdate; birthplace; death date.

2. What tragic childhood events influenced his writing?

3. There are 13 theories on what caused Poe's death. List five of them.

4. According to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum, what state did Poe call home?

5. What does the Poe Society of Baltimore think about this claim?

6. What famous military academy expelled Poe in 1831?

7. Who did Poe marry? How old was she?

8. What do you think about the marriage?

9. What is "Murders in the Rue Morgue" the first of?

10. When was "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat" written?

11. When was "The Raven" published?

12. Check out the Poe photo gallery. Which picture looks most like the Poe you envision while reading his stories?

13. Listen to the audio version of the Raven. What do you think of it?

14. Who is the Poe Toaster?


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