Publish a book by the title of Who's Who in Macbeth.
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# Who's Who in Shakespeare's Macbeth: WEB POSTER ACTIVITY
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
Hover through the fog and filthy air." (1.1.1)

This can be said about most things in life. When someone faces a conflict, either internally or externally, the choices have both good and bad aspects to them.
For this activity, you will be working with a partner to create and publish a book by the title of Who's Who in Macbeth. During this project, you will use different research sites to discover what the real story of Macbeth and Duncan was and how it is different from the Shakespearean version. You will create a book that will have a page for each of the different characters you research.
Write your own Who's Who in Macbeth
List of Characters:

* Banquo
* Donalbain
* Duncan
* Fleance
* Lady Macbeth
* Lady Macduff
* Lennox
* Macbeth
* Malcolm
* Macduff
* Ross
* Siward
* The Witches


This page was created by English using Web Poster Wizard.