ACCESS NAME: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Title of Work________________________________

Author's Name_______________________________

Describe the emotional appeal of this selection.

Sad Happy Depressed Uncertain Angry Perplexed Lonely Other _____

1. Describe the mood of the selection
2. Theme: What outlook on life is the author sharing with reader? ( Choice of subject, and approach of subject)
3. Describe the setting?
4. List and describe each character ?
5. Explain how the characters treat each other.
6. Introduction: How does the story begin?
7. Exposition: What does the reader learn about the characters at the beginning of the story?
8. Rising Action: What is the conflict or problem?
9. Climax: What is the climax of the story?
10. Falling Action: What action occurs after the climax and before the conclusion?
11. Conclusion: How did this story end?
12. Does the author describe events that happened in the past? Yes No
13. If you checked yes, describe the flashbacks in this story?
14. Does the author provide the reader with hints about future events? Yes No If yes, explain.
15. What type of conflict is in this story?

Internal External Against Nature Against Other Individuals Against Society


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