Intro to Dance/Dance I Vocabulary

A current list of vocabulary words for Introduction to Dance/Dance I Students



1. Dance- an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction, or presented in a spiritual performance or setting

2. Warm Up- preparing the body mentally and physically for movement and to help prevent injury while dancing

3. Isolation- to move one part of the body independently from the rest of the body

4. Focal Point- a point in space where the focus of the eyes is directed

5. Alignment- properly lining up the parts of the body so that the head is over the shoulders, the shoulders over the hips, the hips over the knees, and the knees over the ankles

6. Plié- to bend

7. Relevé- to rise

8. Passé- to pass

9. Personal Space- the space immediately surrounding the dancer; the invisible “bubble”

10. Locomotor Movement- movements that travel through space

11. Nonlocomotor Movements- movements that stay in one place

12. Mirroring- one individual copying the movements of another individual as if they are a mirror image

13. Gesture- movements that are used as non-verbal communication to express ideas or messages

14. Abstract- creating a less literal translation of an idea or concept

15. Pathways- patterns we make as we move through the air or around the floor (straight, curved, spiral, zig-zag)

16. Directions- the way a dancer travels from one point to another (front, back, right, left, up, down, diagonal

17. Symmetry- when a shape or image is identical on both sides when divided down the center line

18. Positive Space- the space a dancer’s body occupies

19. Negative Space- the empty or open space around a dancer

20. House- the space in a theater where the audience sits to watch a performance

21. Formations- the different ways dancers can be placed or grouped in space

22. Levels- the area in which a dancer moves in space that can be either a high, middle, or low level

23. Dancer- a person who dances professionally such as on a stage

24. Choreographer- a person who creates dances and plans or arranges dance movements and patterns for dance

25. Stage manager- the person who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge or the stage when the show is being performed

26. Tempo- the speed of the underlying beat of the music or movement

27. Half Time- slowing the tempo of the music/movement to half its original speed (slower- more counts)

28. Double Time- speeding up the tempo of the music/movement to twice its original speed (faster- less counts)

29. Accent- an emphasis on a particular movement

30. Musical Meter- the musical notation used to determine the number of beats per one measure of music

31. Triplet- a three step locomotor movement in which the body moves in a down, up, up pattern using plies and releves

32. Balancé- rocking step; the feet move in a side, rock back, rock front pattern (nonlocomotor)

33. Pas de Bourrée- bourree step; the feet move in a back, step side, step front pattern while shifting the weight and traveling

34. Waltz- a movement done in 3/4 time where one foot brushes off the floor while the other leg is bent in plié, followed by two steps up on relevé

35. Energy- the amount of tension or stress in a movement; the flow and control of force (suspend, sustained, percussive, vibration, collapse, swing)

36. Chassé- to chase

37. Grand Battement- to beat (a large brush/kick into the air)

38. Chaîné- a chain linked turn

39. Tendu- stretched

40. Rond de Jambe- circle of the leg

41. 1920s Steps- Charleston, Long legged Charleston, Boogie, Scarecrow, Pickin’ cherries, Eatin’ cherries, Sugarfoot, Shorty George, Scoot, Truckin’, Screwball, Shim Sham

42. 1950s Steps- Basic swing step (quick quick, slow, slow), Hand jive, Conga line, Bunny hop, The Madison, The Stroll

43. 1960s Steps- the Twist, the Jerk, the Monkey, the Pony, the Swim, the Shimmy, the Mashed potatoes, the Skate, the Egyptian, the Hitch-hiker, Temptation walk, the Locomotion

44. 1970s Steps- Night Fever, the Bus stop, the Bump, the Funky Chicken, Step Touch (together, behind, or in front), Lazy Leg, Four Corners, YMCA, the Hustle

45. 1980s Steps- The Running Man, the Snake, the Janet, the Roger Rabbit, the Robo Cop, Wavin, the Cabbage Patch, the Troop, the Whop, the Robot, the Moonwalk, New Kids Move, Kick and out, Funky twist, up rockin’, the Pac-man

46. 1990s Steps- the Electric Slide, the Macarena, the Hammer Dance, vogueing, Cotton Eyed Joe, the Carlton, the Butterfly, Apache (Jump on it)


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