
Hello! This will be our last project this year. We will learn a lot about music and its relationship to cities and countries. To help you, you can think first about certain questions I have hinted below . You may follow some of the links on the left to look up information.
Good luck!

1. Choose a city or a place related to a style of music, a famous band or a singer you like.
2. Introduce the place:
-Where is it located?
-How old is it?
-How many inhabitants has it got?
-What relevant monuments or buildings has it got?
3. Introduce the group or the singer:
-When did it begin to play?
-What type of music does it play?
-Has it been important in the history of music?
-Which have been its most famous songs?
4. Don´t forget to include images and (if possible)
music in your project.


This page was created by Monica Garaluz González using Web Poster Wizard.