Parent Resources

Parents who need additional information


This is information for parents who need additional information in how to get started and what to do next. These are just some things to get you on your way. Now, if you have come to a halt in making your student a success and want to know what to do next for yourself here are a couple of sites you can check out.

JStorr - The Future of Children of Immigrant Families
• Analysis and Recommendations
• Strengths of Immigrant Families

Parent Involvement
• Parental involvement in schools has become more popular over the past decade due to Goals 2000 and research suggesting that student academic success increases when parents are included in the education of their children.

Immigration and the No Child Left Behind Act
• The demographics of U.S. elementary and secondary schools are changing rapidly as a result of record-high immigration. These demographic shifts are occurring alongside implementation of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the landmark 2002 federal law that holds schools accountable for the academic performance of limited English speaking children and other groups that include many children of immigrants. This report explores how immigration is changing the profile of the nation's elementary and secondary student population during this era of reform.

Family Involvement in Education
• A Synthesis of Research for Pacific Educators
• Family involvement in children’s learning was a part of traditional culture in the Pacific region.


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