Mrs. Baughman Kindergarten Room 107


April News
We will be learning all about farm animals and rainforest animals. During the month of April and May, ask your child to tell you about any animal facts they have learned in class.

Thanks for going on a fabric hunt with your child. I could really tell they know something about fabrics.

Please continue to read for at least 15 minutes each night.
Congratulations! We have all made it to 400 Steps. We have will have an orange day on Monday, April 16th.
Congratulations to those of you who have already made it to 500 and 600!

Up Coming Events:
Plumpton Park Zoo and Kilby Creamery Trip is on Thursday, May 10th!

Specials Schedule:
A Day- Library (Return your books)
B Day- Physical Education (Wear Sneakers)
C Day- Art
D Day- Music
E1 Day- Library
E2 Day- Art
F1 Day- Physical Education
F2 Day- Music



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