Mrs. Blanchette and Mrs. Candido's 5th Grade

Map Skills Webquest
Google Images


Welcome to our Mapskills Webquest. Follow the directions below and use the links at the right to explore the world of maps and answer our questions.

Directions: Answer the questions below by clicking on the corresponding link at the right, finding the information you need, and recording your answers in your Social Studies notebook.

1. What is a map?
2. Who makes maps?
3. Why are maps useful? Why are maps "not perfect"? What is a map key? What does scale mean on a map? How do they show scale on a map?
4. Name some different kinds of maps and explain what they show.
5. Look at examples of different kinds of maps by clicking on the links and pick one to describe.
6. Try this reading a map activity.
7. Use your new knowledge of maps to answer the questions on this page.



This page was created by Donna Kirby-Blanchette using Web Poster Wizard.