
Plane Figures


Plane Figures:

Plane figures are closed, two dimensional figures. These are shapes that we can easily draw, such as a triangle or a square.

When we study plane figures, we will be looking at the following:
1. Triangles
2. Quadrilaterals
3. Pentagons
4. Hexagons
5. Heptagons
6. Octagons

Terms to Know:

Edge: the side of a plane figure.

Vertex: the corner of a plane figure, where two edges meet.

Vertices: more than one vertex.

Angle: the area inside a vertex on a plane figure.
1. Acute – angle is less than 90°.
2. Right – angle is exactly 90°. Looks like the vertex on a piece of uncut paper.
3. Obtuse – angle is greater than 90°.

Congruent: same size and shape. Equal.

Parallel: opposite lines, or edges, going in the same direction. The edges, or lines, will never cross.

Triangles: three edged, three vertices, and three angled plane figures. There are three main types of triangles.
1. Equilateral – All edges are congruent. All angles are congruent.
2. Isosceles – Two edges are congruent. Two angles are congruent.
3. Scalene – No edges are congruent. No angles are congruent.

Quadrilaterals: four edged, four vertices, four angled plane figures. There are many different types of quadrilaterals.
1. Square - a four edge, four vertices, and four angle plane figure. All the edges are congruent. All of the angles are exactly 90°.
2. Rectangle - a four edge, four vertices, and four angle plane figure. Parallel sides are congruent. All of the angles are exactly 90°.
3. Parallelogram - a four edge, four vertices, and four angle plane figure. Parallel sides are congruent. Opposite angles are congruent. Not all of the angles have to be 90°.
4. Trapezoid - a four edge, four vertices, and four angle plane figure. It has one set of parallel edges. The other edges would cross if they were to be extended.
5. Rhombus - a four edge, four vertices, and four angle plane figure. All of the sides are congruent. Opposite angles are congruent. Not all of the angles have to be 90°

Pentagons: five edged, five vertices, five angled plane figures.

Hexagon: six edged, six vertices, six angled plane figures.

Heptagons: seven edged, seven vertices, seven angled plane figures.

Octagon: eight edged, eight vertices, eight angled plane figures.

Explore the links to learn about the different plane figures mentioned here.



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