
Solid Figures


Solid Figures:

Solid figures are closed, three dimensional figures. These are shapes that we see daily, such as a rectangular prism (T.V.) and a sphere (balls).

Terms to know:

Edge: the side of a plane figure.

Vertex: the corner of a plane figure, where two edges meet.

Vertices: more than one vertex.

Base or Face: the flat surface of a solid figure.

Congruent: same size and shape. Equal.

Parallel: opposite lines, or edges, going in the same direction. The edges, or lines, will never cross.

Prism: A prism is a figure made of two parallel faces that are polygons of the same shape and sides that are parallelograms.

Spheres: A figure with a curved surface in which all points on the surface are equal distance from the center.

Cones: A cone has a circular base connected to a vertex

Cylinders: A cylinder has two equal circular bases that are parallel

Rectangular Prisms: prisms with rectangular faces.

Triangular Prisms: prisms with triangular faces

Pyramids: figures with a base that is a polygon and triangular sides. Pyramids can have a rectangular base or a triangular base.

Cubes: prisms with squares for sides and faces.

Explore the links to learn about different solid figures!



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