The Outsiders
  Slang Terms



Slang Terms from THE OUTSIDERS

On a separate sheet of paper complete the following glossary of slang from the novel:

"Outsiders" Slang (1967/68)
Modern Slang (2011-If any)
Standard English Translation


dig (p.7)
like, enjoy

jump (p.8)

beer blasts (p.8)

hoods (p.8)

slugged (p.10)

tuff (p.15)

broad (p.16)

swipe (p.17)

savvy (p.18)

the fuzz (p.20)

boozed up (p.26)

rank (p.32)

Come up with at least three other examples of slang found in the novel. Identify the page where the word is found, a modern day slang equivalent-if any, and its translated meaning.


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