The Outsiders
  Chapter One



Chapter 1

Discussion Questions:

1. Who is the narrator? Where is the setting of the novel?

2. Why do you think the Greasers and the Socs do not get along?

3. How does this rivalry affect Ponyboy?
Why do you think Ponyboy likes books and movies?

Copy the "Characterization" definitions in your Journals

There are two ways in which we, the readers, learn about the characters in a novel.

Direct Characterization – where the writer makes direct statements about a character’s personality and tells what the character is like. (“Tells”)

Indirect Characterization – where the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character’s thoughts, words, and actions AND where the writer reveals information about a character by how other characters respond to that character, including what they think and say about him. (“Shows”)


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