
Your Name:


1.My name is _____________________
And I would like to __________________ for a living.
2. I make________________
3. I have lived ______________years, but it feels like_______________.
4. I have spent most of those years in _______________ and it_______________________.

5. While I am home I like to __________________
_____________ is to me and I am to _____________

6. My favorite color is ______________________

7. Very few people know that I ___________________

8. The best ____________in New York is _____________

9. If I didn’t live here I would ____________________

10. If I weren’t a kid , I would ____________________

11. _______________ INSPIRES ME!

12. Right now I am_________________________

13. If I were a ________________, I’d be a _____________

You can type, print, write or email your work:
Due: November 30, 2011


This page was created by Mrs.Tomaselli using Web Poster Wizard.