"Et Tu," Shakespeare?

Exploring the Elizabethean Era



Friends, Gators, students, "lend me your ears," "Though this be madness" and woe unto you, "I must be cruel," yet I know that you can "Forgive and forget."

"It is the attempt and not the deed" that will allow you to complete the missions before you.

Your mission is to complete all of the tasks listed on the left of this page. You will explore the Elizabethan Era, Shakespeare, and the Globe. Your goal is to complete all of the tasks by Monday, January 9 (must be complete when come to class on this day). The end result is a class discussion.

P.S. Bonus points will be awarded for the students that can tell me the origin of the FIVE Shakespearean quotes used above! Points will only be awarded to those students that email me (sleblanc@aesgators.com) the answers. Deadline for BONUS is Sunday, January 8 @ 9pm. Subject of email is Shakespeare bonus Be sure to include the quote followed by the Shakespearean work.

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