"What is in a Name?"


Shakespeare Revealed



Click the “Students” tab. You’ll find answers under “Shakespeare 101” and “Shakespeare’s Life Handout.”

1. What’s behind Shakespeare’s unusual word arrangements?

2. What is blank verse?

3. Why does Shakespeare omit words, letters, and syllables in his language?

4. Give two examples of how Shakespeare uses contractions in words we don’t normally shorten.

5. Name one reason why Shakespeare’s word choice is problematic for modern readers.

6. According to the Shakespearean Glossary, what does “knave” mean?

7. According to the Shakespearean Glossary, what does “scurvy” mean?

8. According to the Shakespearean Glossary, what does “slops” mean?

9. Who were the Lord Chamberlain’s Men?

10. How many plays did Shakespeare write?

11. Aside from a poet and a playwright, what other job did he have?

12. Name one of his comedies.

13. Name one of his histories.

14. Name one of his romances.

15. Name another of his tragedies.

16. In his will, what did he leave for his wife?

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