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Hi, Do you know that some of British special days are very similar to ours? However, there are some very different too! We are going to discover them by surfing the Net to answer an easy set of questions. Are you ready for this adventure? QUESTIONS Your teacher will assign you one special celebration and you will have to find out the following information: Date when it is celebrated Place where it is celebrated What is done? Who does it? Similarities and differences with Spanish traditions PROCESS You have to make pairs. Each pair will work on a festivity from a different month that your teacher will assign you. The festivities will be: Twelfth night celebrations (January) Shrove Tuesday and Pancake races (February) Mothering Sunday (March) April Fools day (April) May Day (May) The longest day and Midsummer's Eve (June) Swan Upping (July) Well dressing (August) Harvest Festival (September) Halloween (October) Guy Fawkes night (November) Boxing Day (December) Final work: You r group will prepare a presentation to explain to the rest of the class on the festivity. You must include: 1st slide: TITLE OF YOUR WORK. Name of the members of the pair. 2nd slide: Date and place where it is celebrated. Add a map 3rd and following slides: Explain what is done on that day and who does it. Add pictures. You can also add video or music. Last slides: Differences and similarities with Spanish traditions. After that, each pair will make an oral exposition to the class. The mark of this exposition will be the 30% of the mark of the term. Don't forget that you will be the teacher of your friends for one day! DO YOUR BEST! |