Discovering Galdar
  History, heritage, culture and population


Image: Y.Millares (


In Prehispanic times, before Las Palmas became the capital city of Gran Canaria, this island had two different capitals, called “guanartematos”: Gáldar and Telde.
The last King of Gáldar was Tenesor Semidan, who changed his name to Fernando Guanarteme when he was baptized, after the Spanish Conquest has finished.

In Modern Times agriculture was the main economic resource of Galdar.
During the 19th century the cultivation of cochineal (“cochinilla”), bananas and tomatoes were the most important activities. In the 20th century onions and flowers are signficant too, and nowadays farming and trade are also major activities.

In terms of the current population of Gáldar and their employment, the main activity is related to the tertiary sector (also called service sector), with a total of nearly 3000 employees. In second place comes the primary sector with about 1500 people working on agriculture and about another 1500 in farming.

Now, with the information of the text above and the links provided, try to answer to the following questions:
1. According to the information on the Wikipedia page calculate the population density of 1991, 1996 and 2002.
2. How many kilometres are there from Las Palmas to Galdar?
3. Write the name of two important pre-hispanic constructions and other two relevant buildings after the Spanish Conquest. With your own words explain why they are important.
4. In which style was Santiago´s Church built?
5. Which museum is the nearest to the Large Square?
6. What happened on 20th March 1895?
7. Investigate. With what other name are the original people of Gáldar and its municipal market known? Explain why.



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