Plants' Life Cycle
  Natural Sciences 1st ESO




You are going to learn about the different parts of a plant, the functions of each of them and its life cycle, that is to say, how they grow and how we can take care of them in order to let them grow healthier.
These are the activities you have to do during this lesson and the next two. Use the links on the right of the page.
1) Watch the video ‘Parts of plants’ and answer the following questions:
a) What is the name of the fresh air that plats give us?
b) What are made in flowers from which new plants are born?
c) What does a seed grow into?
d) Where does plant life start from?
e) What part of plants we don’t eat from this group? Root / stem / flowers/ leaves / seed
2) Read the text ‘What different parts of plants do?’ and translate the following words into your language:
3) Now you are ready to play the game ‘Life Cycles’. (Enter as a visitant). Once you drag each part onto the correct place you can read about it.

4) Read the text ‘What a plant needs to grow’ and answer the following question: why does a plant die in a dark place?

5) Now try to grow a plant with the game ‘Helping plants grow well’ paying attention to the factors which are important to take care of in a plant’s life cycle.

6) Now do the quiz , ‘plants’, to check your knowledge.

In groups of three, you will create an interactive poster with the life cycle of a plant. You can use Glogster or Web Poster Wizard homepage (classcode 233208).



This page was created by Laura using Web Poster Wizard.