  Web Quest




1. What is metabolism?
2. Why is the metabolism important?
3. Outline/summarize how the process of metabolism works in humans.
4. List and thoroughly describe the 2 types of metabolism.
5. Why are hormones important for the process of metabolism?
6. Which hormone is produced it the thyroid?
7. What role does this hormone play in the metabolic process?
8. Which hormone is produced in the pancreas?
9. What role does this hormone play in the metabolic process?
10. What is a calorie?
11. What happens to the extra calories that are not used by the body?
12. What affects the number of calories a person burns in a day?
13. What does the abbreviation BMR stand for?
14. What is BMR?
15. What factors influence BMR?
16. How can a person's BMR change?
17. What can go wrong with a person's metabolism?
18. List and briefly describe the 5 metabolic disorders on this site.


This page was created by David Kessel using Web Poster Wizard.