Writing Activity

Time to Focus


Now that you have read a little bit about some of the explorers and have defined all of the relevant terms for the topic, it's time for you to select your explorer. Choose one explorer that you want to research a little further. Write down your explorers full name on your paper and title this section "My Explorer."

Next you will do any further research you need to in order to find the information on the following statements:
-Tell who they are/where they come from (Background information)
-What their goal was for their own exploration (A destination? To obtain something?)
-If they accomplished their goal (What trials did your explorer encounter?)
-And the impact their voyage had on the world (New ideas, foods, plants, animals, materials, etc.)

You will then write a 5-7 sentence paragraph that includes all of the information in your "My Explorer" section of your paper. The link to the right should be able to provide you with all of your information on your explorer. Click their name and navigate through the different pages on the explorer to find your information.


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