St. Patrick's Day/Dinosaurs
  March 17, 2017



Dear Parents,
This week we studied about the life of St. Patrick. We learned how he brought the Catholic faith to Ireland. Our classrooms were visited by Leprechauns who cased a lot of mischief! We also continued our Lenten journey and put our second crosses up on the board and talked about our good deeds and sacrifices we are doing for Jesus.

We also had some fun-filled days learning about dinosaurs!! We hope you enjoyed the projects that the children brought home.:

Next week, the letter will be "Ww" and we will be welcoming spring and learning about all of the exciting changes that take place during this season.

We are beginning to take the children out regularly to the playground with the spring weather. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and their name is on their coat. Thank you!:)

Blessing Bags:
We'd like to thank those who have brought in Blessing Bags for the people at the Open Door Mission! Your generosity is very much appreciated! The collection will continue until March 31.

Box Tops: WE NEED YOUR BOX TOPS!! Preschool participates in the Box Top collection. We use the funds we have earned to purchase educational activities and supplies for the classroom! Thank you for your support!

Gifford Farm: The 3-day classes and High-5 classes are going to the Gifford Farm in Bellevue for a field trip on Wednesday, April 26. If you would like to come as a chaperone, please sign up in the classroom or e-mail your teacher. Unfortunately, no siblings can attend this field trip. The cost for parents is $4.75. Please send cash or check to your child's teacher as soon as possible if you will attend. The children's admission will be deducted through their school account.

Spring Break: Friday, April 14-23 (School resumes on Monday, April 24)

Have a wonderful weekend!

God bless,
Mrs. Crowe, Mrs. Gentile, Mrs. McHale, Mrs. Foster, and Mrs. Tabaka


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