Allons Faire du Shopping!
  (Let's Go Shopping!)


Faites du shopping!



Introduction (L'Introduction)

You won a contest that earns you round-trip airfare, 2 nights at the posh hotel Georges V and $1000 worth of Euro to spend at select French clothing stores/websites. Your quest/assignment is to shop online for two complete outfits that you will wear on a weekend trip to Paris where you will have lunch with famous French actor Jean Reno (The Professional, French Kiss, Mission Impossible, The Da Vinci Code) at Pizza Nella, and dinner on the Eiffel Tower with president Emmanuel Macron and souvenirs for yourself and/or your family with any remaining money.

****Click on the first link "google doc to finish". Make a Copy and share it with Mme Affane.

Task 1 (La Tache 1 )

Find out what the current exchange rate is from the dollar to the Euro. You may want to use one of the following currency converter websites: Yahoo Finance

Task 2 (La Tache 2 )

Go on-line at exclusive French shopping websites to purchase two complete outfits. The first outfit is casual, for your lunch date with actor Jean Reno. The second outfit is formal for your dinner at the Tour d’Argent restaurant on the Eiffel Tower with president Emmanuel Macron.

Your outfits must be complete with appropriate clothing, footwear, headwear, outerwear (coat, sweater, wrap, etc), and appropriate accessories (jewelry, tie, purse, perfume or cologne, etc.) Be careful to stay within your budget! But don't be caught not fully dressed or dressed in the wrong season! Your long weekend will take place during April vacation.

Task 3 (La Tache 2 )
Use your notes from Task 2 to write 6 to 10 interesting sentences describing what you are going to wear to each event.

The Process (la Méthode)

1. Use the web sites that follow to do your shopping: click HOMME (man) tab or click FEMME (woman) tab

2. Record everything you buy and the specific website (so I can verify your “purchase”) on the Task 2 worksheet.

Don’t forget you have to convert your shoe and clothing size! Listed below are some helpful links:

For women's pants, take the number given and subtract 28

For men's pants; take the number given and subtract 16

3. Convert your expenditures as you go along to ensure you spend as close to $1000 as possible.

4. Use the information from Task 2 to write 6-10 interesting sentences describing what you are going to wear to each event.

Evaluation (L'Evaluation)

Here is the rubric I'll use to grade your work: Task 3 = 16 points. broken down as follows:

1. The sentences are interesting, written in French, and adhere to all parts of our writing rubric - 16 pts (graded with the writing rubric)

Total possible on WebQuest = 16 pts.

Conclusion (La Conclusion)
You look fab! Your shopping spree in virtual France has been a great success. Through this process, you learned to identify articles of clothing, colors and sizes in French and learned how to convert your dollars to the Euro! You learned to make smart money decisions so you could stay within a budget.


This page was created by Kaytlyn Affane using Web Poster Wizard.