  How can we compare and contrast different types of Sharks?


Sharks come in different shapes and sizes



Begin Your WebQuest!
* Set up a new document in Word. Save it as; Your Name Shark Information Class
* Type the questions for each task and answer them.

Task 1!
Click on Link #1 to answer this question.

1. How long have Sharks been on earth?
2. Who came first the Shark or the Dinosaur?

Task 2!
Click on Link #2 to answer this question:
3.What do Sharks eat?

Task 3!
Click on Link #3!
4. What do large sharks eat?

Task 4!
5. What are the most dangerous Sharks?
Click on Link #4 to find out , then list them.
6. Why are humans dangerous to sharks? Read the second paragraph in Link #4 to find out.

Task 5: Click on Link #5:
7. How many Sharks are on this page?

Task 6:
Choose 6 Sharks from this page and create an image list using Google images.

8. Which two are your favorites?

Task 6:
9. Use Link #6 to create a diagram comparing your two favorite Sharks.

10. What is a Shark?


This page was created by Mrs.Tomaselli using Web Poster Wizard.