Birthday games



The game is a moment of aggregation, of liberation, of expression.  There are different types of games, depending on the age they are aimed at, the time of year, the place you have available to play, and the material you can use. In order for the games to run smoothly and for all participants to enjoy themselves, a person must be in charge of organizing the games. Even if you are not a professional animator, a parent (or whoever it is) will be able to organize the birthday party successfully.  We have collected over 10 games to organize for a birthday party.  For each game, you will find a brief description, what you need to play the game, an indication of whether it is a quiet or lively game, and the place where the game can be organized

Treasure hunt

This game also requires preparation before the party. You have to prepare the clues and the treasure and hide them before the birthday party starts.  Each clue comes as an enigma. It can be a rebus, a riddle, a puzzle to compose ... The difficulty of the clues must take into account the age of the birthday boy and the guests. There are many hiding places. Outdoors it can be under a machine, at the foot of a tree, in a flowerpot. At home, clues can be hidden under a carpet, behind a pillow, in a drawer ...

Fire-stoker with music

You can play anywhere.  The children are divided into two teams: those who seek and those who hide. The hiding team puts the object to be found in a secret place. At this point, the game begins and the music starts.  The searching team must find the object: the closer it gets to the object, the more the music increases in volume, the farther you are from the object, the more the music decreases in volume. The team that finds the object in the shortest time wins. 

The Mandarin Relay

... but also the potato, the Brussels sprout, the tennis ball, the ping-pong ball ... Choose what you have at hand, as long as both teams have the same items. You trace the starting line and the finish line and, behind the finish line, put a basket or a box.  Form two teams. The first two players pick up the object with the spoon and have to carry it into their basket. If the child drops the object, he must pick it up, return to the starting line and start the race again. The team that carries all the items in the basket wins. 

How many days old am I?

It is just like the "how old am i" game. In this game, children have to tell their birthdays to everyone. And others have to remember each other's birthday, and then the game starts. Anyone can ask anyone’s birthday date or one can ask others how old am I today. Whoever gives the right answer gets chocolate. 

Brave sailors

The birthday boy begins to be a pirate and all the other guests at the party are the sailors. A rather large space is outlined which will be the sea. The pirate places himself in the middle of the sea and the sailors on the shore (i.e. outside the delimited area).  When a child yells "pirate insight", everyone has to run across the sea to reach the other side, without being touched by the pirate. Sailors touched become pirates. They have to hold hands and try to catch the other sailors. The game continues until only one sailor remains. 

How many days between

For this game, you only need a pen and paper or a whiteboard and a marker. Two dates are given on the board and one has to answer the exact number of days between dates within 10 seconds. If one answers exactly how many days between dates, he gets the chance to ask another question to anyone The race of the waiters Depending on the number of guests at the party, the children can be divided into two or more teams.  Each competitor is given a tray with a glass of water on it. The child holds the tray with one hand and has to go to the bucket and pour the water. The team with the most water in the bucket wins. 

Mysterious boxes

Before the birthday party begins, you need to prepare a few boxes with an object inside. You can put pasta, rice, legumes, coarse salt, buttons, coins, paper clips, rubber ... On each box write a number.  By shaking them, children have to guess the contents of the boxes and write on a piece of paper what they think the box contains. For example, they will write "box 2: beans".  The competitor who has guessed the most objects wins.



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