Science Project with Paluso

Write the Introduction!
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Science Fair Project


Your introduction is a brief look at your background (your ‘Review of Literature’) and your goals of your research.

The ‘Statement of the Problem’ and your ‘Hypothesis’ are considered part of the introduction but need to be on separate pages.

Your goals should include why you chose this project and what you hoped to prove. It is nice to include the connections to you personally. It is a fine place to use the words I, me, my! For instance, a soccer player may have done a project on air pressure of a soccer ball. It is also nice to summarize what your project is all about.

Your brief look at your ‘Review of Literature’ needs to be at least 5-10 sentences of the most important points in your research paper. Especially important is to include the names of the other researchers and whether their work supports or disagrees with your research.

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