These are instructions for payment of funds to the university instead of carrying cash, in case that would interest you. Your local bank will charge a fee for the transfer of funds (I paid around $50 to Pinnacle Bank for a transaction of $4000). The funds should be available to the university within a business day or two. If there is an emergency, this would be a quick way to get money from family to you. There is no need for anyone to carry large amounts of mission money. Once in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, you use bank cards (I assume this means debit cards) to withdraw money from your bank in the States. The charge depends on the amount withdrawn, I believe. Ex-pats use this system very much, rather than carry large amounts of cash. Credit cards will have limited use, as I have already told you. INTERNATIONAL PAY ORDER INSTRUCTIONS INTERMEDIARY BANK (Select one) 1. Standard Chartered Bank New York, U.S.A Account 3544033012001 SWIFT SCBLUS33 2. Wachovia Bank New York, U.S.A Account 2000192368302 SWIFT PNGPUS3NNYC 3. Bank of America Miami, U.S.A. Account 1901319857 USD/EUR SWIFT BOFAUS3M 4. Commerzbank Frankfurt, Germany Account 400871955100 USD/EUR SWIFT COBADEFF 5. Dresdner Bank Frankfurt, Germany Account 0801102300/888 EUR SWIFT DRESDEFF BANK OF BENEFICIARY Banco Económico S.A. Calle Ayacucho 166 Santa Cruz, Bolivia SWIFT: BOEOBO22 Phone: 591-3-3361177 Ext. 1345 or 591-3-315-5500 (more current) Account #: 1042-070601 Complete Name: Universidad Evangélica Boliviana Address: City: Santa Cruz, Country: Bolivia Telephone #: 591-3-356-0990 ADDRESS OF THE UNIVERSITY Universidad Evangélica Boliviana Barrio Cruz del Sur UV 117 Barrio El Cuchillo por el Quinto Anillo y el Avenido Moscú Casilla 4027 Santa Cruz Bolivia TELEPHONE: (591) 3-356-0991 FAX: 591-3-356-0992 EMAIL: : rector@ueb.edu.bo WEBSITE: www.ueb.edu.bo |