© All rights reserved Evangelism Explosion International, Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
DEFINITION Evangelism Explosion (EE) is an international ministry with representatives in every country of the world. It is a local church strategy to equip church members to share the Gospel in such a way that a person has a valid opportunity to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. COMPONENTS EE is composed of three major activities: 1) a 13-week class based on material in the training notebook, taught by a teacher-trainer. 2) 2-hour visits to the homes of church contacts during the 13-week semester. 3) a 30-minute report-back session for all the Gospel teams after their visits. MATERIALS 1. EE TEXTBOOK a) It was written by D. James Kennedy. b) It is a reference book supplementing the teachings in the training notebook. 2. TRAINING NOTEBOOK a) There are 13 lessons to be studied in an 13-week course. b) Each lesson is read the week before it is discussed. 3. DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE? a) It is a green tract explaining the Gospel. b) It is for non-believers. 4. PARTNERS IN GROWING a) It is a red booklet establishing the new believer in his or her walk in Christ. b) It is for new converts. . 5. PARTNERS IN PRAYER a) It is a blue booklet explaining the importance of prayer. b) It is for prayer partners. 6. PARTNERS IN EQUIPPING a) It is a green booklet explaining the commitment to the EE ministry. b) It is for potential trainees. 7. PARTNERS IN FRIENDSHIP a) It is a yellow booklet explaining the importance of relational evangelism. b) It is for those who are seeking contacts to evangelize. |