EE Presentation 2b

Gospel: Christ, Faith




II.D.1.a. JOHN 1:1,14
Who is Jesus Christ for you? (Son of God, Saviour, Lord). Your answer is biblical and correct. But let's examine just what your words mean. I am also a son of God, but Jesus is obviously different than me. The Bible says that He is both God and man. Listen to these words: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory ...." God became flesh and made His dwelling among us! God's name while He walked on the earth was Jesus.

II.D.1.b. THE DOOR John 10:9
How many doors permit you to come into this room? (one) Imagine that you want to enter by another way. You could enter by the windows, but you would be entering suspiciously if you did so. You could also blow up the walls and get in, but that would be illegal. In fact, all this illicit efforts to get in would be senseless because the door is open, accessible to all. Why go to such extremes to enter when the door is open? We can compare this room to heaven; only, it is impossible to enter there by a window or by a wall torn down. Likewise, it is impossible to enter into heaven by another religion, philosophy, or person. Jesus said that He was"the Door" and that it is possible to pass by way of Him. Note that He did not say He was A door. No, Jesus is THE Door, the only Door to heaven.

Once we understand who Jesus is, we can appreciate what He did for us. He died on the cross to pay the debt for our sins and to reserve a place in heaven for us. Il arose from the death, and He offers us eternal life as a free gift.

II.D.2.a.b. THE BOOK

Revelation 20:12; Matthew 10:27; 1 Corinthians 4:5; Isaiah 53:6; 1 Corinthians 15:4c; John 14:2; 1 John 5:11

Imagine that this book in my left hand is an account of all that I have done in my life. Each word, thought, and deed is recorded. According to the Word, a day will come when the books will be opened and everything revealed. Jesus said "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known." "He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts." How many memories do you have from 20 years ago? (Very few). Psychologists tell us that over 10,000 thoughts pass through our brain daily. That makes 3,500,000 per year! We would therefore have to retain 35,000 thoughts to remember 1% of what happened in a year. Little wonder that psychologists state that we forget 99% of our bad memories. Can we therefore conclude that a clean conscience is often the result of a bad memory? (Yes). We are not even aware of all the wrong things we have done. I am convinced that if I am judged according to what is written in the book of my life, I will be condemned. Likewise, for every man. (Hold up the book, and look at it, not the listener). Here then is the problem -- my sin. (Place book in palm of left hand.) The Scriptures say that my sin weighs on me like a heavy burden. Let my right hand represent God (lift it up over left hand). He loves me (indicate fingers of left hand), but He hates my sin (indicate the book) and must punish it. When I try to draw near to God, my sin is a barrier in our relationship (show the book not allowing the two hands to touch). To solve this problem, God sent His beloved Son into the world (lower right hand to left handlevel). The Bible says that "we all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." (As you say the words, "laid on him," transfer the book in one distinct motion from the left to the right hand and leave it there.) All of my sin, which God hates, has been placed on His beloved Son. When Jesus died, He was buried in a grave (put book on your lap), but on the third day, He rose from the dead and went to heaven to prepare a place for you and me. Now, He offers heaven to you and me as a gift.

This gift is received by faith.


What it is not: Do you see this ring of keys? There is one key on it which will open the door of my house. Which one? If you try all but the right one, you will not succeed, no matter how much you believe you have the right one. We can make an analogy between these keys and human notions on how to get to heaven. There is only one key to heaven. Let's say that this incorrect key (choose one) represents head knowledge: that will not work. Let this other one (choose another) be what I call faith for temporary needs; the door will remain locked. And a third one represents sincerity alone, but that does not open the door either. The only key which will open the door to heaven is this one (show him the key which opens the door to your house): trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation.


II.E.1.a.1 JAMES 2:19
So, faith is not head knowledge. The Bible says that "you believe there is one God? Good! Even the demons believe that -- and shudder." Will the demons be in heaven? (No) Yet, the Scriptures say they believe. You see, they believe with their head, they even recognize that Jesus is the Son of God, but this does not save them.

Allow me to try to illustrate what head knowledge is. Do you believe that Napoleon really lived on the earth? (Yes) That is an example of head knowledge. Is Napoleon still alive today? (No) Is he doing anything to change your life today? (No) You know, many people believe that Jesus Christ is an historic person, but they do not believe He is still alive today or that He is interested in their personal matters. This belief which comes from the brain is not the faith that saves us.


II.E.1.b.1. JAMES 4:3
The second incorrect key was faith for temporary needs. The Bible emphasizes our selfish motives when it say, “You ask and you do not receive because you ask wrongly, to satisfy your selfish desires.”
Prayer Requests Most of us pray to God in times of need -- sickness, financial problems, traveling protection, or bereavements. The problem is we only pray as long as we have the need, and as soon as the problem is over, we stop praying. These requests have one thing in common: They are temporary. Faith for temporary things is good, but it cannot save anyone.


II.E.2.a.1. JOHN 14:6
And the third incorrect key I want to mention is misplaced trust: You can be sincerely wrong because you trust in an object that is not worthy of that trust. Jesus said He is the only way to the Father: "THE way ..., that no man comes to the Father but by Him.” Any other object of our trust will prevent us from getting into heaven.

Imagine that you get in a car in which the breaks do not work, but you do not know it. When you go down the hill of the city, there will be no breaks to stop you in spite of your faith in them; rather, it will be another vehicule or a tree, and your misplaced faith will bring about the greatest shock of your life. You believed sincerely that the brakes would stop you, but they were not worthy of your trust, were they?

II.E.2.a. ACTS 16:31
Saving faith is believing in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life; He is worthy of our trust. The Scriptures say to "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved."

II.E.2.a. ROMANS 10:9
Further, Jesus is the only One we can trust. God says "that if you confess with your mouth that 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Do you see this chair? Do you believe it exists? (Yes) Do you believe it can hold you up if you sit on it? (Yes) But it is not supporting you now. How can you prove to me that it exists and that it can h

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