Charlotte Anderson Elementary First Grade

Home of the EXEMPLARY Anderson Vikings!


Welcome to the First Grade Web Site for Charlotte Anderson Elementary School. Each week we will send home a first grade newsletter to up-date you on coming events, classroom news, homework and study materials, and other necessary information. The newsletter will be sent home in your child's folder/binder on Monday or the first day of the school week in the event of a holiday. Please be sure you keep it handy as it will always contain our spelling and vocabulary words for the week. You can also find this and more information here on the first grade web page.


Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Duhamell
Ms. Gist
Mrs. Lim
Mrs. Wright


Doors open at 7:30 a.m.

School starts at 8:00 a.m.

After 8:00 a.m. students must go to the office for a tardy pass

Lunch from 11-11:30

Recess from 11:30-12:00

Electives from 12:50 - 1:50

School is dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Both walkers and car riders will be dismissed in the back of school. First graders will not be released unless an adult authorized for pickup is present.

*****Teacher conference period 1:00 - 1:45

Your child needs to bring
his/her folder/ binder to school EVERYDAY.
Please be sure to initial the calendar inside.

***IMPORTANT PAPERWORK will be coming home the first weeks of school. Please read through these carefully. Some will need to be signed and returned to your child's classroom teacher. Please complete both sides of the information cards.

***Whenever you are visiting or volunteering during the school day, please remember to get your visitor or volunteer pass in the office.
Thank you.

The first grade teachers will hold an informational meeting for our first grade parents in early September. Please check your newsletter for exact date and time. Some of the things we will be discussing include the first grade schedule, curriculum, guided reading and leveled reading books, discipline and rewards, homework, report cards and methods of communication between teachers and parents. We hope to see you there!

***We need someone to run newsletter copies for all the first grade classes early on Monday mornings. ANY VOLUNTEERS?

When your child purchases lunch, they will need to key in their student ID number to make payment. In order to keep our lines flowing smoothly, please work with your child to learn their number by memory. Their student ID number is the same number that they used last year if they were in the Mansfield School District and will stay with them during their school years in the Mansfield District. Thanks for your help!

Please complete your Mansfield ISD volunteer Application Form and return it to the office with your $1 per application. If you were a new approved volunteer last year, you do not have to complete a new application this year as your approved status covers a two year period. We can't wait to have you volunteer!

***PTA does terrific things for our children. We encourage you to join PTA this year. Membership includes a FREE student directory.

If your child is looking for things to do check out the many wonderful internet sites which can help your child be more successful in school. Check out the links on this page and the following pages! Your child will find lots of fun things to do and might not even realize that they're learning in the process!

Many students have had difficulty learning and remembering high frequency words, also called sight words. These are the words that students need to be able to identify on sight to become better, more fluent readers. Check out the link called "PRACTICE SIGHT WORDS" on page 2 (Vocabulary and Spelling words) of the First Grade Webpage for more practice on learning these words.

Please remember to read with your child every night .Be sure to include comprehension questions as you read!

Come visit us and you'll see why LEARNING IS OUT OF THIS WORLD at Charlotte Anderson!


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