Research Graphs

Ready, Set, RESEARCH!



The websites listed will be used to complete your scavenger hunt worksheet. Use the websites listed to research how graphs are created, how they are used, and how to create a graph. Remember, only use the websites listed and do not link to another website.

When you are done, test your skills by taking the quizzes under 'Test It' link and read the directions before you take the quiz.

Scavenger Hunt Questions

1. Compare and contrast vertical and horizontal graphs.

2. Draw a vertical, horizontal, and histogram graph. Identify each graph.

3. Identify six parts of a bar graph and give a description of each part.

4. Draw a bar graph and label each component.

5. Explain scale and interval. Describe how they are related.

6. Find the bar graph titled Enrollment Introductory Courses at Union University and answer the following questions:

a. What is the main title?
b. What is the label/title for the x-axis?
c. What is the label/title for the y-axis?
d. How many students were enrolled in Introductory Course?
e. Describe what data has been graphed.

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