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This lesson will allow students to explore graphs using different tools and activities. The Curriculum Web needs to be used as a building block for students to learn and apply what they know about graphs.

This Curriculum Web is intended to be used after a teacher lead introduction with guided practice. Students should be familiar with the basic functions of a computer and how to navigate through websites.

The Curriculum Web teaches students why graphs are important, how to create/use graphs, and how to interpret information on a graph.

This curriculum web ‘Graph It’ will expose and engage students to different types of graphs and how to interpret them and use the information. Graphs are used in every subject, throughout a student’s journey in school. Not only will students use graphs in middle and high school, but college also. Graphs will be used in their future careers, in some form. Graphs are also used everywhere in the world around them. This will be explored further in one of the assignments; students will create a classroom collage of graphs, collected from the world around them. There are several types of graphs used. Being able to select the appropriate graph(s) is important. Plus, creating graphs also links/connects to other standards.

Goals and Objectives: Students will collect, analyze and interpret data, then create a bar graph (vertical and horizontal) and a histogram with the data. Students will do this in collaborative groups and create a PowerPoint.

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