Learn and Have Fun!!!


Answer the following questions by reading the information on the links. Use this dictionary

1. What is Halloween?

2. When do people celebrate Halloween?

3. Where does the word Halloween come from?

4. How do children decorate their houses in Halloween?

5. What are the most typical costumes in Halloween?

6. What is "Trick or treat"?

7. What is the story of Jack-o-lantern?

8. How is Jack-o-lantern represented in Halloween?

9. Learn new vocabulary.

10. Halloween trivia questions: Play Triki Treat Trivia.

11. Just for fun: Halloween online games!

12. Choose your favourite printables.

Final Task

Now you know a lot about Halloween. Check it! Click on the Halloween Quiz.



This page was created by Cándida Gallardo using Web Poster Wizard.