8th Grade
Schubert, Brahms and Wagner



8th Grade,

We will finish up watching the opera next week. I am leaving all of the definitions on this page for reference if you need clarification on any charecters or plot. Again, look at the Nibelungen Lied link on the left and read about Ragnarok, Nibelungen Lied and Wagner's stories.

NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS (These will help when reading the Götterdämmerung Synopsis) -

NORNS – Sisters of Fate that view the past, present and future

WOTAN – King of the Gods and father of Brunnhilde

ALBERICH AND HIS CURSE – Alberich, a night dwarf, foreswore love and was granted gold that was fashioned into an all-powerful ring that could subjugate the Gods

SIEGFRIED – Hero and love of Brunnhilde. Also, the wearer of Alberich’s ring in addition, of Tarnhelm (which will teleport the wearer and conceal their identity). Brunhilde cast a spell upon him that his body would be unpiercable by weapon except for his back. This was because she knew he would never turn his back in battle, thus would never present his back as a target.

BRUNNHILDE – Fallen Valkyrie and daughter of Wotan. Love of Siegfried.

LORD GUNTHER – King of the Gibichungs people, half-brother of Hagen, brother of Gurtrune and son of Gibich.

HAGEN – Son of Alberich, half-brother of Gunther and half-brother of Gurtrune.

GURTRUNE – Sister of Gunther, half sister of Hagen and daughter of Gibich.

WALTRAUTE – Valkyrie and sister of Brunnhilde

MIME – Blacksmith, servant of Alberich and former master of Siegfried. Fashioned the ring and Tarnhelm. Siegfried slew him in the first opera.

RHINEMAIDENS – nymph daughters of Wotan, who made Alberich foreswear love and promised him the Rhine Gold, from which the ring was fashioned.


1) How is the relationship of Siegfried and Brunnhilde represented by the actors/singers in the beginning of the opera? Is this similar of dissimilar to your perception of the relationship from the synopsis? If so, how and why?
2) How do the actors/singers at the end of ACT II represent the relationship of Siegfried and Brunnhilde? Is this similar of dissimilar to your perception of the relationship from the synopsis? If so, how and why?
3) How do the actors/singers at the end of the opera represent the relationship of Siegfried and Brunnhilde? Is this similar of dissimilar to your perception of the relationship from the synopsis? If so, how and why?
4) How is Hagen’s’ purpose shown by the actor/singer? How does he commit his heinous acts? What happens to him? Is this similar of dissimilar to your perception of the character from the synopsis? If so, how and why?

Don't forget to look at the other links on this page for help in your studies.

Mr. Pope

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