A.E.S. PTO Happenings
Proud Patriots

Summer 2011


Here are a few things you can save over the summer to help AES!

We collect old ink cartridges, and cell phones. We also, collect Tyson and Campbells soup labels, and General Mills box tops too!!

We collect aluminum pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis too!

Also, AES has joined My Coke Rewards. Purchase your favorite Coke product and get codes, you can send the codes in for us to enter or you can enter. Just go to mycokerewards.com to register , enter the codes, donate to AES, you can find AES by our zip code at 38019. This is a awesome program to help our school!

Don't forget that you can do online shopping thru Boxtops4education.com . It is very simple just login to boxtops4education.com, create your account, assign AES as your school, then click the Marketplace button, there are hundreds of stores to shop from. This is a great program and great way to help your school!

Thanks for your support, see you in August!


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