
Period 2



Algebra 2nd Semester - Mrs. Stiles - 08/09

Class Expectations

I use the Northeast Policies regarding the following:
Grading Scale
Cheating and Plagiarism

Your grade will be based on:

Formative: up to 10%
Summative: at least 90%

Please work in pencil.

You will have at least two days for homework assignments. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the due date. Late homework may be handed in up until the chapter test.

Test are divided into individual objectives. If your score on an test objective is less than 100% you will be given the opportunity to Relearn and Retest on that objective, if ALL homework is completed and handed in before the original test.

When I’m teaching I expect you to be quiet! If you have a question raise your hand.

All backpacks and purses must be off the desks. Do not put them in the aisles.

Help Time
1st and 6th period - 043
After School - 043

Enjoy Algebra !!


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