Reading Tutor 120

J. MacDonald




This course presents a unique opportunity for grade 11/12 students with high academic achievement and good communication skills. Under the guidance of me, the Resource Teacher, tutors work on a one-to-one basis with students who are seeking to raise their reading level and to improve their writing skills. Tutors learn basic reading theory and teaching techniques, and are assigned one student to work with for the term. A real commitment is required (in attendance and day by day planning), since the student depends on the tutor. This is a chance to make a positive contribution to our school, to acquire leadership skills, and to experience a real-life teaching situation. This course is especially recommenced for those planning careers in education, guidance, or the social services.

Text: Reading and Writing: Tutoring One to One

If you:
 Want a challenge
 Are enthusiastic about reading
 Are active in extracurricular activities and have a variety of interests
 Have excellent attendance and a good academic record
 Enjoy helping others
 Want to do something real

Then you will be successful in this course!

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