Reading Tutor 120

Tutor Observation Checklist


Tutor Observation Checklist
Reading Tutor 120


A. Essential Tutoring Skills – Did the tutor:
1. Open the session with enthusiasm
2. Maintain positive rapport, get and maintain tutee’s attention
3. Give clear instruction, letting the tutee know precisely how (s)he is to respond
4. Give a clear presentation of the new information using specific examples to illustrate a point. (Speak the language correctly and appropriately)
5. Use praise appropriately
6. Correct the tutee by:
- explaining the correct answer and give sufficient examples
- saying the answer with the tutee until (s)he has it
- requiring the tutee to say it alone
- practicing the skill
7. Avoid punishing
8. Use appropriate cues/prompts
9. Stay on task and pace the lesson at a reasonable speed
10. Provide for sufficient repetition
11. Keep accurate daily records

B. Dependability –Was the tutor:
1. In attendance regularly
2. On Time
3. Prepared with necessary student/teacher materials

C. Attitude – Was the tutor:
1. Positive
2. Persistent
3. Friendly
4. Supportive

Anecdotal/ Observations:

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