The Novel

My Antonia
The Little Tarkio Prairie, Photo and Editing by Kerri Acton



Have you ever wanted to visit a place described in a book, but haven't had the opportunity to get there? Well, we're going to do just that. . .almost! As we begin our fiction unit, we WILL visit a place much like the place described in Willa Cather's My Antonia. Some of you may have already visited the Little Tarkio Prairie off Hwy 59, but be prepared to complete some awesome activities on our field trip there. Get ready. Here we go!

Upon completion of this unit the learner will identify the various elements of fiction, read for comprehension, employ the writing process and write to a variety of prompts, and use technology.

Define, identify, and apply the following terms to the novel My Antonia: fiction, character (protagonist, antagonist, major, minor, one-demensional, three-demensional, static, dynamic, and stock), character motivation, characterization, setting, mood, conflict, plot (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, denouement), crisis, symbolism, imagery, and theme.

Use the writing process to construct a persuasive essay.

Analyze and identify vocabulary words.

Grade-Level Expectations
R1F: Apply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension, access prior knowledge, preview, predict, set a purpose and rate for reading.

R1G: During reading utilize strategies to self-question and correct, infer, visualize, predict and check using cueing systems.

RIH: Apply post-reading skills to comprehend and interpret text, question to clarify, reflect, anaylyze, draw conclusions, summarize, and paraphrase

R2A: Locate and recognize the text features of fiction in grade-level text

R2C: Use details from text to analyze character, plot, setting, point of view and development of theme, evaluate proposed solutions, analyze the development of a theme across genres, evaluate the effect of author’s style and complex literary techniques (including tone).
W1A: Follow a writing process to independently create appropriate graphic organizers as needed, apply writing process to write effectively in various forms and types of writing

R3C: Write multi-paragraph informative and persuasive essays with, an effective thesis statement, effective paragraphing, convincing elaboration through specific and relevant details, originality (freshness of thought) and individual perspective, individual style and voice, complex ideas in a sustained and compelling manner, multi-paragraph texts that interpret, evaluate or persuade, use specific rhetorical devices, use relevant evidence to defend a position; a reflective paper that compares specific incidents and themes; an analysis and/or evaluation on the use of imagery, language, themes, stylistic devices and tone in literature

Depth of Knowledge:

While studying the novel My Antonia, we will identify a variety of literary terms. You will use the activities and quizzes to prepare for the unit test. We will closely follow the course calendar for lessons and assignments. Feel free to check this site and links when absent as well. Proceed to worksheet one and begin. Good luck!

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