Fiction Terminology

My Antonia: Worksheet 1


Use the first and second websites listed in the track to answer the following questions. Print out this worksheet, and begin the assignment in a Word document. The assignment must have an MLA formated heading, include each prompt before the completed response, and should be double spaced.

1. What is a roman a clef? How could My Antonia be seen as this?

2. Choose another type of novel and defend My Antonia as this.

3. Define novel. Why do you think it is difficult to define?

4. What is a sequel? What would a sequel of My Antonia be about?

5. What is setting? FULLY describe the setting of My Antonia.

6. Define symbol. Give and explain three symbols from My Antonia.

7. Using the definition provided on the site, what is the tone of My Antonia?

8. Does My Antonia have verisimilitude? Defend your answer.

9. Use the definition provided in the glossary to defend the story of My Antonia as Jim’s “coming of age story.”

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