Landry's September Book Report |
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October Book Report Our book report for October will be on a mystery book. I will allow each child to choose a mystery book to read. The students will use a small, plain, paper bag supplied by me to complete their report. The first thing that the children should do is read the book. They should then fill out the attached book report form. Once this is finished the children should cut the pieces of their book report apart and glue them to their paper bag. I will have an example of what this will look like in the classroom. Inside the bag the children should include three to five items that represent significant events or characters in their mystery book. For example, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” would call for a spoon, a little bowl, and a piece of dollhouse furniture inside the bag. After filling and decorating their bags, the students will present their mystery book to the class. The students will tell about their mystery book. Each student should be able to explain how the items he/she has chosen in the bag relate to the book. They should practice their oral presentations at home. This is worth 100 points. The grading rubric for this report is attached to this sheet |