Mrs. Jetter

7th Grade Language Arts Lions Team



Welcome! This page is designed to help you throughout this year. Students, please check below each day for daily classroom activities and your homework assignments. Please keep up with classwork and homework assignments while absent if it is possible. Parents, you can check on student homework daily to monitor that it is being completed! We are going to have a great year!

**Parents: almost everyday we use glue sticks to glue in handouts and activities in our learner notebooks. If it is possible to donate a couple packs of these it would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!**

Monday 1/27/14:
C/W - 1. Update 40 book challenge totals.
2. Review deadlines.
3. Finish reading assigned pages and work on role on p.79.
4. Write journal entry (p.78).
H/W - 1. Complete a one-pager using a book you have finished this month. Due Thursday.
2. Literature circle cycle 1 reading, journals and role are due by Wednesday.

Friday 1/24/14:
C/W - 1. Journal entry # 19.
2. Review role requirements and look at examples.
3. Read assigned novel (cycle 1 pages).
4. Write journal entry (p.78).
H/W - 1. Complete a one-pager using a book you have finished this month. Due Wednesday 1/29.
2. Literature circle cycle 1 reading, journals and role are due by Wednesday 1/29.

Thursday 1/23/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading (begin reading literature circle novel).
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Review requirements and expectations for literature circle unit.
4. Write journal entry (p. 78).
H/W - 1. Complete a one-pager using a book you have finished this month. Due next Wednesday 1/29.
2. Literature circle cycle 1 reading, journals and role are due by next Wednesday 1/29.

Wednesday 1/22/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Update table of contents in learner notebook.
4. Glue in handouts for literature circle unit and review book choices, roles and page assignments.
H/W - 1. Complete a one-pager using a book you have finished this month. Due next Wednesday 1/29.
2. Read!

Friday 1/17/14:
C/W - Early release day and Case 21 reading test
H/W - Read!

Thursday 1/16/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Review practice EOG questions completed for homework.
4. Discuss test- taking strategies.
H/W - Review grammar notes (p.27 & 69) for your Case 21 reading test tomorrow.

Wednesday 1/15/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Reading journal # 18.
3. Review misplaced modifiers homework.
4. Answer practice Case 21 questions.
H/W - Complete p. 70 and 71 in your notebook ('Hottest Soup' passage and questions). Due tomorrow.

Tuesday 1/14/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Finish introducing literature circle books.
4. Complete and turn in preference sheet.
5. Review misplaced modifiers grammar sheet (p. 69).
6. Work on misplaced modifiers practice sheet (p.68).
H/W - Finish misplaced modifiers practice sheet (p.68). Due tomorrow.

Monday 1/13/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Introduce literature circle novels and complete preference sheet.
3. Review Case 21 grammar questions.
4. Glue in misplaced modifiers help sheet and practice sheet (p. 68 & 69).
H/W - Read and annotate misplaced modifiers help sheet (p.69). Due tomorrow.

Friday 1/10/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Collect Article of the Week.
3. Introduce three literature circle titles and complete preference sheet.
4. Complete quarterly learner notebook grading sheet.
H/W - Read!

Thursday 1/9/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Finish listening to 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson and work on questions.
H/W - Finish questions on 'The Lottery (p.66).
2. Complete A.O.W - 'Bodies Under Construction.' Due tomorrow.

Wednesday 1/8/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Reading journal # 17.
3. Introduce the short story 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson.
3. Listen to the story and work in notes on p. 66.
H/W - Complete A.O.W - 'Bodies Under Construction.' Due Friday.

Tuesday 1/7/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Finish annotating dystopia characteristics sheet.
4. Update table of contents in notebook.
H/W - Complete A.O.W - 'Bodies Under Construction.' Due Friday.

Monday 1/6/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Finish notes on utopia, dystopia and quest.
3. Review h/w assignment.
4. Glue dystopia characteristics sheet on p. 67 and annotate.
H/W - Complete a processing activity on p.64 that compares the differences between utopia and dystopia (use your notes to help you). Due tomorrow.

Friday 1/3/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Reading journal # 16.
3. Copy new unit questions on p. 62.
4. Make notes on key vocabulary terms; utopia, dystopia, quest.
H/W - Read!

Thursday 1/2/14:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Watch video clip and make notes on p. 63.
3. Discuss clip and make predictions about new unit theme.
H/W - 1. Make sure your questions on p. 63 are completed.
2. Read!

Friday 12/20/13:
C/W - Independent reading.
2. Reading journal # 15.
3. Continue Case 21 test review from Wednesday.
H/W - Have a great break and make sure you read!

Thursday 12/19/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Present Unit 2 project in small groups.
4. Peer grade Unit 2 projects.
H/W - No homework!

Wednesday 12/18/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Unit 2 project reminders.
3. Complete reflection sheet based on your Quarter 1 Case 21 Test.
4. Begin to complete corrections chart.
H/W - 1. Finish Unit 2 project. Your completed project is due TOMORROW!

Tuesday 12/17/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Work on Unit 2 project in computer lab.
H/W - 1. Finish Unit 2 project. Your completed project is due this Thursday!

Monday 12/16/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Work on Unit 2 project in computer lab.
H/W - 1. Finish Unit 2 project. Your completed project is due this Thursday!

Friday 12/13/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Review Unit 2 project requirements and rubric.
3. Work on Unit 2 project in computer lab.
H/W - Return signed interim.
2. Complete the rough draft of letters U-Z for the Unit 2 project on p. 48. Due Monday.
3. Work on tier assignments.
**Your completed Unit 2 project is due next Thursday December 19th**

Thursday 12/12/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Review and answer Unit 2 questions using evidence from the texts we have read.
H/W -1. Return signed interim.
2. Complete the rough draft of letters U-Z for the Unit 2 project on p. 48. Due Monday.
3. Work on tier assignments.
**Your completed Unit 2 project is due next Thursday December 19th**

Wednesday 12/11/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Reading journal # 14.
3. Annotate Maya Angelou's poem 'Still I Rise.'
H/W -1. Return signed interim.
2. Complete the rough draft of letters U-Z for the Unit 2 project on p. 48. Due Monday.
3. Work on tier assignments.
**Your completed Unit 2 project is due next Thursday December 19th**

Tuesday 12/10/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Book talk presentation.
3. Notes on Maya Angelou's life on p. 58.
4. Begin to read and annotate her poem 'Still I Rise.'
H/W - 1. Return signed interim.
2. Complete the rough draft of letters
P-T for the Unit 2 project on p. 47. Due tomorrow.
3. Work on tier assignments.
**Your completed Unit 2 project is due next Thursday December 19th**

Monday 12/9/13:
C/W - 1. Independent reading.
2. Return Unit 1 essay and review grading rubric and sample essay.
3. Learn how to use the writing reviser on as a resource to help with editing papers.
H/W - 1. Return signed interim.
2. Complete the rough draft of letters
P-T for the Unit 2 project on p. 47. Due Wednesday.

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