Mrs. Jetter's class policies and procedures


Mrs. Jetter, 7th grade Lions team

Mrs. Jetter’s Classroom Procedures

Hello and welcome to Mrs. Jetter’s Language Arts class! I’m looking forward to a year filled with new challenges, fun, success and above all learning. The first few days of school are always a bit overwhelming, so I have put together this packet to help answer all those beginning of the year questions.

Class Constitution: We will create a class constitution in which we define what we need to be successful this year. We will all sign this to indicate our agreement to follow these rules and make this class a safe, supportive and successful learning environment.

Discipline Policy: If you break our agreed rules you can expect the following consequences according to the West Millbrook Classroom Disturbance / Disruption plan:
Step 1 First a verbal / visual cue will be given (warning).

Step 2
 Your name will be written on the board as a visual cue.

Step 3
 You will be removed to a buddy teacher, a check will be placed by your name and you will complete the student reflection form.

Step 4
 You will be sent to ALC for the remainder of the period, your parents will be contacted and a referral will be documented in SAM.

Step 5, 6 and 7
• You will be given up to two additional class periods in ALC. Administration will put in place further
*Note: severe infractions will result in immediate referral and ALC*
All the rules and policies in the student handbook will be observed in my classroom.

Grading Policy: Assessments (tests, projects, essays)…............................35%
Classwork / Participation ……………………………………..30%
Homework…………………………………………………….. 15%
Learning extension………………………….…………………20%

Grading Scale: 93-100 = A
85-92 = B
77-84 = C
70-76 = D
69 or below = F

Homework Policy: Assignments will be specific and based on previously studied concepts for enrichment and/or review purposes. Keep up with your homework! Use your agenda to help organize homework and other deadlines.

**Homework will be posted daily on the board and also on my website accessed through**

Late Work: Students are expected to turn in homework and classwork during the class period it is due. Late homework will only earn partial credit. For major project grades, 10 points will be deducted per day the project is late for a maximum of 3 days.
*Papers that are turned in without a name will receive an automatic 10 point deduction.*

If you do not turn in classwork or homework by the next SPAN update, you will be required to complete it in a designated location during 6th period Guided Study as part of our ZAP program. You will also be required to attend organizational and study skills sessions on the Early Release day following ZAP.

Typical Daily Schedule:
o Come in quietly and calmly, take a seat, write down any homework set into your agenda and begin warm-up
o Review / connect warm-up activity
o Teacher instruction

o Individual / paired / group activities
o Review of objectives

Warm-Up: You will be expected to complete a warm-up every day when class begins. Warm-ups will be completed in the back of your learner notebook. The daily warm-up will be posted on the board and will consist of ten minutes of daily silent, sustained reading followed by a five minute written task. You must bring your independent reading book with you every day to class. You will need to put the date, warm-up number and complete the task fully. I will check warm-ups randomly at least three times per quarter and give you a classwork grade. If you do not have your warm-up notebook, you need to complete it on paper then copy it into the notebook. If you are absent for a warm-up, as soon as you return write the date you were absent in that section, along with the reason. You do not need to copy it up.

Notebook: You will need at least two binders for your core classes. Language Arts should be paired with whichever core class it is closest to in your schedule. You will need 4 dividers for Language Arts labeled as follows: 1. Current Unit 2. Article of the Week 3.Help 4. Completed Units

Learner Notebook – Students will be required to create and maintain a Language Arts Interactive Learner Notebook this school year. This will be a valuable way for you to organize and record information, as well as actively reflect on it and become more independent and critical thinkers. You will need a 3 subject spiral bound notebook for this.

Materials: See the Lions team supply list

Class Wish List: If you can help out by donating any of the following, I would be very grateful!
o Hand sanitizer
o Tissues
o Extra pens / pencils
o Plain printer paper

*I am also requesting that students donate 5 glue sticks if at all possible. This will be very helpful in constructing and maintaining our learner notebooks this school year. Thank you*

Tardy Policy: If you arrive in class after the bell has gone you must complete the tardy sheet with your name and arrival time. The following consequences will be applied for tardies:

Level 1 (Tardies 1-3)
Tardy 1 – Warning
Tardy 2 – Warning / Teacher-Student Conference
Tardy 3 – Warning / T-S Conference / Parent Contacted

Level 2 (Tardies 4 and beyond)
Tardy 4 – After School Detention / Parent Contacted
Tardy 5 – 2 days in ALC
Tardy 6 – 3 days in ALC
** Tardies will be zeroed out at the beginning of each quarter**
Bring me your note at the beginning of class.You will need to make-up any missed assignments, including homework within 3 days of your return. Remember homework can always be found on my website.

Rest Room Breaks: You will have scheduled restroom breaks between classes and be assigned three extra passes for restroom / locker at the beginning of each quarter. If you do need to leave the classroom for any reason you must sign in and out on the class traffic sheet.

Movement during class: You must put up your hand and wait for permission if you need to move around during class. Please keep movement to a minimum and sharpen pencils before class begins.

What to do if you finish early: Check your work carefully. Raise your hand and turn it in to me. I will provide you with an enrichment activity.

Emergency / Fire alarm: Stay calm. Be silent and ready to follow directions.

End of class dismissal: A bell will signal the end of class. You must stay in your seat until the bell rings and push your chair under before you leave.

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