Mr. Thomas Room 109 Social Studies Classroom Rules and Consequences Directions: Copy the rules and consequences on the first page of your social studies section in your notebook. This should be signed by a parent of guardian. 1. Be in class and in your seat on time. 2. Follow directions the first time they are given. 3. Bring all books and materials to class. 4. No Class Disruptions: - Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak - Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. - Don’t bother other students. - No personal grooming in class. 5. NO GUM – FOOD, or RUBBER BANDS. Consequences for breaking a rule First Time: Name on Board = WARNING. Second Time: One Check = SILENT LUNCH DETENTION/TIME OUT. Third Time: Two Checks = PARENTS CALLED. Three Detentions: AUTOMATIC ALC |