Science of Speed Worksheet


Copy the following questions into a Word document and answer them using the Science of Speed Website. Once you are finished with this document hand it in using Virtual Locker.

1. Explain how Boyle's Law causes the CO2 Dragster to move.

2. Based on what you learned about inertia, which car will be faster? One that weighs 54 grams or one that weighs 201.5 grams. Explain your answer.

3. Explain Newtons Third Law of Motion in relation to CO2 Dragsters.

4. What is surface friction?

5. What is fluid friction?

6. Which type of friction do you think will have the most effect on your dragster? Why?

7. If the length of the track is 32 feet and the race time was .627 seconds, what was the speed of your dragster in MPH (miles per hour)? (Show your work)

8. List and explain each setp of the design process.

9. What is the difference between specifications and tolerances?

10. Which of the careers on the Science of Speed Website interests you the most? Why? (at least 4 sentences)

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