CO2 Dragster Worksheet

This is a shell car prior to finishing.


Print the CO2 Dragster Handout. As you work through the packet answer the following questions in a word document. Once you are finished with this document hand it in using Virtual Locker.

1. List and explain the four steps of the Blue Devils Problem Solving process.

2. What does a thumbnail sketch show?

3. What is the difference between a thumbnail sketch and a rough sketch?

4. What does the minimum and maximum chart show you?

5. What must you be careful of during the cutting process?

6. Explain two tools that you can use during the shaping process.

7. How do you achieve a quality finish on your dragster?

8. Using the wind tunnel, what was the drag in grams of your CO2 Dragster?

9. Using the triple beam balance, what was the weight in grams of your CO2 Dragster?

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