Life in Communities
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Social Studies Standards/Goals/Objectives


Nebraska S.S. Standard 4.1: Students will compare communities and describe how United States and Nebraska communities changes physically and demographically over time.

Students will compare and contrast rural and urban communities. (4.1)

SS. 3.3.1 - Define the concept of community.
SS.3.3.2 - Define an urban community.
SS. 3.3.3 - Define a rural community.
SS. 3.3.4 - Compare and contrast between urban and rural communities.

Students will successfully complete and pass each task assigned in the unit.
Students will identify the individual characteristics and ways in which to live, work, and play in each type of community.

- Students will describe how people adapt to their environment.
- Students will identify how people in communities have fun and earn a living.
- Students will describe how citizens work together to improve communities.
- Students will compare and contrast the three different types of communities.
- Students will participate in and complete games and activities reinforcing the concept of a "community."


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