The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

What are human rights?



Human rights are basic rights and freedoms which every human being has. They include civil and political rights, such as the right to live; and social, cultural and economic rights, such as the possibility of participating in culture, right to food, right to work, right to education, etc.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 after the experience of the Second World War. It expresses the inherent rights of human beings.
‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’ (art. 1)

-Now we are going to divide the class into some groups. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Articles will be divided among these groups, so that every person will have to answer the following questions about his/her article:

-Which right(s) does the article protect?
-Which groups of society would benefit most from this article?
-Give examples of countries where these articles are not respected.
-Why is this article important for you?

Newspapers are one of the mass media that provide us of news about human rights violations provided this freedom of press is respected. Now you are going to look for news related to this topic (situations where human rights are not being respected) and make a dossier by glueing the news and indicating what right(s) are violated.

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