
Useful Links to High School Ceramics Teachers


There are many wonderful resources out there, but I tried to incorporate as many teacher friendly and classroom useful resources.

1- Lesson Plan Builder: A friendly website to help you build your lesson plans and cater them towards your students needs.

2- Rubistar: A fun website to help you build your rubric for a more effective grading technique.

3- Web Poster Wizard: A teacher friendly website that helps you build your own website step by step.

4- Art Show: A comprehensive website that is loaded with tips on the different aspects of the ceramics field.

5- A website with links to the different aspects of ceramics.

6- Youtube link: How to throw a long jug on the wheel. You tube is rich in different mini videos about ceramics projects.

7- Plagiarisim: A website that helps the teacher teach the students about plagiarism and how to avoid it especially when they are writing research papers in any subject area.

8- Stop Cyberbullying: A website that every teacher need to brush upon with her students. It helps them deal with cyberbullying and how they can avoid it.

9- National Standards: A link to the visual arts national standards. It helps the teacher know what to teach their students and what needs to be covered in the classroom.


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This page was created by Mrs. B using Web Poster Wizard.