


The word "Ecclesiology" comes from the Greek words ekklesia (ἐκκλησία) which means "assembly" or "convocation" and -logia (-λογία) which means "word" or "knowledge". Essentially, Ecclesiology is the study of the Church, specifically it is the branch of theology that deals systematically with the origin, nature, distinguishing characteristics and mission of the Church.

Some of its major themes include:

~What the Church is
~The Origin of the Church (both in the OT and in the NT)
~The Relationship between the Church and the Kingdom of God
~The Different Models for the Church
~The Mission and Purpose of the Church
~How the Church should be governed
~The Destiny of the Church in Christian Eschatology (End Things)

[Offer your own definitions of Ecclesiology.
Go to your THEO102 wikispace. After reading the Guidelines on the home page, click on the page "What is Ecclesiology".
Click the "Edit" tab.
Give your definition of Ecclesiology, below it write your name (full name) and section and the bibliography of your reference/s. If it is an online reference, create a link to your reference.
Deadline for the assignment is 1 week before your midterms exam]


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